
Anna-Luise Lorenz

Anna-Luise Lorenz is a multidisciplinary designer, researcher, and artist based in Berlin. Her research-based work explores the corrupting forces of reality which find expression in the anomalies of empiricism and rationalism: the weird, the absurd, or the enigmatic processes within biological and technological systems. Through a wide range of media such as installation, performance, animation and fictional short stories, Anna explores human and non-human agents as a pivot for the emergence of new hybrid beings and accidental or deliberate non-human design practices to recognise possible worlds which are not there yet.

Her work has been shown internationally, amongst others, at at Meet Digital Culture Center Milan (IT), Futurium Museum Berlin (GER), the Design Biennial Ljubljana (SLO), HEK (House of Electronic Arts) (CH), the Venice Biennial of Architecture (IT), and USC Cinematic Arts (USA).

In 2019 she worked as a researcher as part of the New Normal Think Tank at Strelka Institute Moscow (RU). Anna is lecturing at several universities and is an editorial board member of continent., a journal and experimental publishing collective.

For alter ego activities please visit and @anacondacc


Royal College of Art London (UK)
MA Design Interactions 2016

University of Applied Sciences Augsburg (DE)
Communication Design 2010

Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague (CZ)
Typography and Type Design 2008

Teaching / Workshops

WS 2023/24 Lecturer: Immersive Experiences, HTW Dresden (DE)

2023 Workshop: You Can Do it When You Future It, Crespo Foundation, Frankfurt (DE)

2022 Guest Critic: Folkwang University of the Arts (DE)

2022 Workshop: If you know what I mean?!, commissioned by Digitale Welten Festival in cooperation with Politik im freien Theater Festival, Frankfurt (DE)

SS 2022 Lecturer: Relational Artefacts, HTW Dresden (DE)

SS 2022 Lecturer: Screen Gym, Image & Motion, Köln International School of Design (DE)

SS 2022 Lecturer: States of Motion: Into the Life Stream, Scientific Seminar, Image & Motion, Köln International School of Design (DE)

2022 Workshop: How To HowTo, Open Educational Ressource commissioned by Digitale Welten Festival/Node Forum, Frankfurt (DE)

2021 Workshop: Plapperlament, commissioned by Digitale Welten Festival/Node Forum, Frankfurt (DE)

WS 2020/21 Lecturer: Unboxing Black Boxes, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (DE)

SS 2020 Lecturer: Virtual Food, w/ Prof. Johanna Schmeer, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (DE)

SS 2020 Lecturer: Virtual Food, Scientific Seminar, w/ Prof. Johanna Schmeer, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (DE)

2020 (delayed) Workshop/LARP: Control + Z, Second Nature Lab, NODE Forum for Digital Arts, Frankfurt (DE)

2019 Workshop: Breaking Bread, w/ Sofia Pia Belenky, bio26 26th Design Biennial Ljubljana (SI)

2018 Visiting Lecturer: Designing Death, w/ Johanna Schmeer, Royal College of Art, London (UK)

2018 Workshop: Airology, Retune Festival, w/ Johanna Schmeer, Berlin (DE)

2018 Workshop: Futurium Museum of the Future, w/ Johanna Schmeer, Berlin (GER)

2017 Workshop, X=A+B (On Inexistent Objects), International Design Week, w/ Johanna Schmeer, Augsburg (DE)

2016 Guest Critic: Product Design, Speculative Design Module, University of the Arts Berlin (DE)

Workshop: Unrealities, Parallel School, Glasgow (UK)

Residencies, Awards & Grants

2024 Artist-in-Residence: Dorothea Schlegel Artist in Residence w/ continent., "Literary Currencies“ at Cluster of Excellence 2020 "Temporal Communities“, Free University of Berlin (DE)

2023 Artist-in-Residence: Crespo Foundation, Preungesheim / Frankfurt am Main

2022 Stipend: Stiftung Kunstfonds: Neustart Kultur

2022 Fellowship & Residency: 0xSalon fellow w/ Wassim Alsindi, S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present, funded by the European Commission, Art Hub Copenhagen

2020 Short List: Lumen Prize 3D/Interactive Art

2019 Residency: The New Normal, Strelka Institute

2014 Residency: The Future of Labour, Swiss Pavilion, Venice Biennale of Architecture (IT)

2013 Bursary: Royal College of Art London (UK)

2013 Commission: Urban Explorers Media Art Festival (NL)

2010 Award: Output Award Winner

2010 Award: Award of the Federal State of Suabia

Cultural Activities

2023 Participant: Autonomous Worlds, Game Hackathon, at the invitation of 0xparc Foundation and Trust, Silent Green Berlin (DE)

2021 (ongoing) Member: continent., an artistic and media oriented philosophy, cultural and technology journal and experimental publishing collective

2021–22 Research: Non-linear Timelines, The Whole Life Academy, HKW Berlin (DE)

2021–22 Research: Computing Clouds, w/ Adam Harvey, commissioned by the University of Edinburgh / The New Real Observatory

2021 Research: Calculating Control w/ Zentrum für Netzkunst

2020 (ongoing) Member: Scientific Committee, xCoAx, Int. Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X

2019 Participant: New Alphabet School, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (DE)

2016–2020 Participant & occasional organiser: reading group

2013 Participant: Parallel School

Publication / Writing / Press

2022 Publication / Essay: Track Your Ass Away: About Unstable Media – Broken Thoughts, Fragmented Hearts and Ghosting People, in conversation with Prof. Nina Juric (KISD), In: States Of Motion – The Motion Experience Lab

2022 Press: The Immaculate Misconception, in: Lorenza Pignati, Arte e scienca, kit per la sopravvivenza, Il Messaggero, 19 Oct 2022

2022 Feature: TongueTongue, in: The Book of X. 10 Years of Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Miguel Carvalhais, André Rangel, Luísa Ribas (eds.), i2ADS: Research Institute in Art, Design and Politics, 2022

2021 Writing: Sealed with a Kiss, w/ Sofia Belenky, published in: The Pluralist Magazine

2020 Writing: Sealed with a Kiss, w/ Sofia Pia Belenky, published on: O Fluxo
2020 Feature: Of Earth and Sky, In: The New Normal, Edited by Benjamin H. Bratton, Nicolay Boyadjiev and Nick Axel, Park Books

2019 Feature: Of Earth and Sky, in: The Terraforming, Benjamin H. Bratton, Strelka Press, 2019

2019 Publication Contribution: Superficial Intelligence, edited by Brendan Howell, Hopscotch Reading Room, Berlin (DE)

2018 Press: ‘Shush Tones’ in

Exhibitions, Talks & Events (selection)

2024 Artistic Intervention: Topical Topoi: A Raw Material Picnic, w/ continent., as part of the annual conference of the "Temporal Communities“ Cluster of Excellence (Free University Berlin), Literarisches Colloqium Berlin (DE)

2024 Artist 2024 Performance: The Immaculate Misconception,, Berlin (DE)

2023 Performance / Night Walk: You Are (Nearly) Here, Public night walk as part of the FlieKü residency, Crespo Foundation, Frankfurt (DE)

2023 Online Exhibition (ongoing): The Immaculate Misconception, exhibited at There Is No Perfect Spell, curated by Bi Xin, organised by Chronus Art Center Shanghai (CHN) & HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste), Basel (CH)

2022 Performance / Contribution: Where is the Planetary? w/ continent., Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (DE)

2022 Exhibition: The Immaculate Misconception, exhibited at :REWORLD | Repairing the Present concluding 0xSalon's S+T+ARTS fellowship and residency at Art Hub Copenhagen, curated by Manuel Cirauqui, MEET Digital Culture Center, Milan (IT)

2022 Exhibition: Dashboards for Posthuman Life, Future Forecast Festival, w/ Jaya Klara Brekke & Vlad Afanasiev, Radialsystem, Berlin (DE)

2021 Artwork: openAR, commissioned by Berlin (DE)

2021: Talk: Hybrid Practices, Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) (DE)

2020 Panel Talk: ‘World(re)building: How Ecotopias and Counter-Narratives Can Model Better Futures’, NODE Forum for Digital Arts, Frankfurt (DE)

2020 App/Exhibition: Fit-Art Connected in isolation, In-App Show, w/ Sebastian Schmieg, Roehrs & Boetsch (CH)

2020 Exhibition: Speed reading at König Digital, w/ Sebastian Schmieg

2020 Exhibition: The 5th Element, Raum Vollreinigung, Berlin (DE)

2019–2022 Exhibition: The Inside Outside, w/ Johanna Schmeer & Sam Conran, Futurium Museum Berlin (DE)

2019 Talk: Superficial Intelligence, edited by Brendan Howell, Hopscotch Reading Room, Berlin (DE)

2019 Exhibition: Breaking Bread, w/ Sofia Pia Belenky, bio26 26th Design Biennial Ljubljana (SI)

2019 Public Presentation/Talk: Of Earth and Sky, Strelka Institute, Moscow (RU)

2018 Exhibition: 50-m London, London (UK)

2018 Screening: What is Germany, FLUCA Austrian Cultural Pavilion, curated by Jos Diegel, Plovdiv (BGR)

2018 Exhibition: Total Immersion, State of the Art Berlin, Berlin (GER)

2018 Exhibition: ALT+FCTS on VRenice Beach, Retune Festival, Berlin (GER)

2018 Exhibition; Speedreading, w/ Sebastian Schmieg, Galerie b, Stuttgart (GER)

2017-18 Exhibition: The Wrong Digital Art Biennial, Scripting the Other Pavilion, curated by Noemata

2017 Exhibition: Panke Gallery Edition, w/ Ingmar Spiller and Claire Tolan,, Berlin (GER)

2016 Screening: Crosstalk International Video Art Festival, Budapest (HU)

2016 Exhibition: Final Show, Royal College of Art (UK)

2016 Exhibition: Medialexicon: Faux Friends, w/ Jelena Viskovic, Telep Gallery, Budapest (HU)

2016 Exhibition: Interim Show, Royal College of Art (UK)

2015 Screening: Jaw Versus Eye Attack, Jan van Eyck Alumni Association, Vierte Welt, Berlin (GER)

2015 Exhibition: two hundred acres, Pump House Gallery, London (UK)

2014 Exhibition: Science of Fiction, USC Cinematic Arts, Los Angeles (USA)

2014 Exhibition/Curating: Buy, buy, buy, put it down, London Design Festival, London (UK)

2014 Exhibition: Out of Stasis as part of ‘Justifiable Versions of Events/Catastrophe’; Platform for Art, Theory and Research; Jan van Eyck Alumni Association, Acud Gallery, Berlin (GER)

2014 Exhibition: The Economics of Uncertainty School of Tomorrow Archive, Swiss Pavilion Venice Biennale of Architecture (IT)

2013 Exhibition: Aus alt wird anders, Die Metzgerei, Augsburg (GER)

2011 Exhibition: Localize Media Arts Festival, Potsdam (GER)

2010 Exhibition: Emergeandsee Media Arts Festival, Berlin (GER)

2010 Exhibition: lab30 Media Arts Festival, Augsburg (GER)

2008 Exhibition: 13+1 Horror, Galerie Divadla na Prádle, Prague (CZ)